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Image by Estée Janssens

Agenda | Day 1
ADR Annual Conference


  • Jennifer M. Grieco

    • Chair, ADR Section State Bar of Michigan


Welcome and Introductory Remarks

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September 20, 2024 | 8:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. ET


Opening remarks delivered by Jennifer M. Grieco

Family Law Sessions: Alternative Divorce Processes as ADR

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September 20, 2023 | 8:45 a.m. - 9:35 a.m. ET


How many people contact your office who would like to minimize the Court’s role in their divorce, would like to make their own decisions about their assets, debts, and parenting time, and how many would, if given the option, “opt out” of a traditional, litigated divorce?  What do you know about “Summary Divorce” (MCR 3.223)?


“Collaborative Divorce” means everyone just agrees to “play nice in the sandbox,” right?  (It doesn’t.)  Did you know that the Collaborative Divorce process can be used in highly charged and contested cases, to reach resolution outside of Court, that you can use a neutral mental health professional to guide the Process and employ a neutral financial professional to generate property settlement options (and their tax consequences)?


This panel will discuss three alternatives to a traditional divorce filing, and how you can use them to expand your client offerings, while reducing the number of filing deadlines and litigation tasks.


  • Jake Tracy

    • Counselor, MA, LPC, NCC,


  • Gary Allen Gardner

    • ​Attorney, Rosi & Gardner, P.C.


  • Shelley A. Kester
    • Attorney, Wilson Kester


  • Sara C. Vyncke
    • Attorney, Legacy Legal Group, PLC
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Goal-setting as a Technique in Divorce and Family Mediation

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September 20, 2023 | 9:45 a.m. - 10-35 a.m. ET


Goal-setting with parties in mediation can help to focus them on the final goals and interim goals, rather than just on settlement of particular issues.  Examples used will be  focusing parties on the relationship they’d like with their soon to be ex and how they’d like to work with their ex for the benefit of the children.  The program will include presentation, videos of goal setting in family mediation and group discussion.


  • Zena D. Zumeta,

    • Mediation Training & Consultation Institute Zena Zumeta Mediation Services, The Collaborative Workplace​

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Enhancing Parenting Time Coordination & Monitoring: Utilizing Dispute Resolution Skills for Effective Co-Parenting

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September 20, 2024 | 10:45 a.m. - 11:35 a.m. ET


Parenting time coordination and monitoring plays a vital role in facilitating healthy co-parenting relationships post-separation or divorce. However, many parents struggle to effectively co-parent, leading to conflicts that impact their children's well-being. This presentation aims to address this issue by providing training to Parenting Time Coordinators (PTCs) & Monitors in utilizing dispute resolution skills to enhance their ability to facilitate, coordinate and monitor parenting time between parents who face challenges in co-parenting.


As a professional, becoming trauma informed describes a way of interacting with people in a professional capacity that recognizes they may have been impacted by trauma, it may or will influence their level of participation and as professionals we practice “Doing No Harm”. 


​You will be provided with an overview of what a trauma informed framework is, what the five trauma responses are, how they present within the ADR continuum of practice and a few basic tools to manage a trauma response of a client or within yourself. 


  • Shawndrica Simmons

    • Mediator, LGAL, Parenting Time Coordinator & Monitor​

11:35 a.m. - 11:55 a.m.

Welcome Remarks

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September 20, 2024 | 11:55 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ET


Welcome Remarks from ADR Section Chair/State Bar President Supreme Court Chief Justice Clement


  • Jennifer M. Grieco

    • Chair, ADR Section, State Bar of Michigan​


  • Joseph McGill

    • State Bar of Michigan President 


  • Elizabeth T. Clement

    • Chief Justice, Michigan Supreme Court

Is an Impasse really the End? How to salvage the Unsalvageable

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September 20, 2024 | 12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. ET


The presentation will invite attendees to discuss experiences with impasse and comment on the seldom used ADR tools explained in the presentation as well as offer the opportunity to ask questions. Participants will learn how to better handle impasse, salvage what appears to be an impasse, and learn additional tools to reach an agreement.



  • Marvin Johnson, JD​

    • Attorney/Mediator​


  • Paul F. Monicatti

    • Attorney/Mediator/Arbitrator


  • Michael S. Leib

    • Leib ADR, LLC

Michigan ADR Case Law Update

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September 20, 2024 | 1:30 p.m. - 2:20 p.m. ET


Annual case law update:  The presenters will summarize Michigan cases and selected federal cases dealing with alternative dispute resolution decided since the 2023 Annual Conference. The presentations may include significant cases pending on appeal at the time of the conference, and any changes in the relevant statutes and rules. Larry Saylor will address arbitration cases, and Lisa Timmons will cover cases dealing with mediation, case evaluation, and settlement issues. A list of cases, statutes and rules to be covered will be included in the course materials. This program is an annual feature of the ADR Conference.


  • Lisa W. Timmons

    • Lisa W. Timmons, PLLC​


  • Larry Saylor

    • Senior Counsel, Miller Canfield

Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Diversity & Inclusion within the Disability Community

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September 20, 2024 | 2:30 p.m. - 3:20 p.m. ET


This panel will focus on the intersection of diversity, ADR, and disability rights. Hear from a disability rights attorney who not only advocates for the rights of others but also navigates life with her own disability, offering a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs faced by individuals with disabilities in various contexts. Another panelist is an accomplished healthcare and civil rights attorney who will shed light on the legal landscape surrounding disability rights and ADR. Rounding out the panel is an author who has explored the "Disability History of the United States," providing invaluable historical context and shedding light on the evolution of disability rights in our country. Through their collective expertise and lived experiences, our panelists will explore the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in promoting diversity and inclusion within the disability community and offer valuable insights and actionable strategies for fostering a more equitable and accessible society for all.


  • Ashley Jacobsen, Esq., MA, CMC​​​


  • Julie Markgraf

    • ADR Neutral / Mediator / Arbitrator


  • Phillip Schaedler

    • Attorney, Mediator